Dynamic Embedding Size Search With Minimum Regret for Streaming Recommender System

By Bowei He et al
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Table of Contents

Embedding Size Search as Bandits
Embedding Size Indicator


With the continuous increase of users and items, conventional recommender systems trained on static datasets can hardly adapt to changing environments. The high-throughput data requires the model to be updated in a timely manner for capturing the user interest dynamics, which leads to the emergence of streaming recommender systems. Due to the prevalence of deep learning-based recommender systems, the embedding layer is widely adopted to represent the characteristics of users, items, and other features in low-dimensional vectors. However, it has been proved that setting an identical and static embedding size is sub-optimal in terms of recommendation performance and memory cost, especially for streaming recommendations. To tackle this problem, we first rethink the streaming model update process and model the dynamic embedding size search as a bandit problem. Then, we analyze and quantify the factors that influence the optimal embedding sizes from the statistics perspective. Based on this, we propose the Dynamic Embedding SizeSearch ( DESS ) method to minimize the embedding size selection regret on both user and item sides in a non-stationary manner. Theoretically, we obtain a sublinear regret upper bound superior to previous methods. Empirical results across two recommendation tasks on four public datasets also demonstrate that our approach can achieve better streaming recommendation performance with lower memory cost and higher time efficiency.
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